Eye-Tracking 은 문자 그대로 눈으로 무언가 상호작용을 하고 기능을 하는 것을 의미함.
1. Eye Tracking - Target Selection
내가 처다보게 되면 기능이 작동하고,
클릭하면 파괴되는 데모임
데모 자체 스크립터, TargetGroupCreateRadial 에서 생성되는 구슬의 템플렛을 넣고
동그런 모양으로 만들어주는 기능을 하는 것 같음
구슬 마다 EyeTrackingTarget 스크립터를 가지고있고
Eye를 처다보면 작동하는 스크립터,
지금은 처다보면 로테이션이 되는 스크립터를 작동하고있음
구슬 안에 Hit하면 사라지게 하는 스크립터 (데모에 있는 스크립터)가 있음
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Examples.Demos.EyeTracking
/// <summary>
/// Destroys the game object when selected and optionally plays a sound or animation when destroyed.
/// </summary>
public class HitBehaviorDestroyOnSelect : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Visual effect (e.g., particle explosion or animation) that is played when a target is selected.")]
private GameObject visualFxTemplate_OnHit = null;
[Tooltip("Audio clip that is played when a target is selected.")]
private AudioClip audioFx_CorrectTarget = null;
[Tooltip("Audio clip that is played when a wrong target is selected.")]
private AudioClip audioFx_IncorrectTarget = null;
[Tooltip("Manually indicate whether this is an incorrect target.")]
private bool is_a_valid_target = true;
[Tooltip("Associated TargetGridIterator to check whether the currently selected target is the correct one.")]
private TargetGroupIterator targetIterator = null;
private EyeTrackingTarget myEyeTrackingTarget = null;
private void Start()
myEyeTrackingTarget = this.GetComponent<EyeTrackingTarget>();
if (myEyeTrackingTarget != null) // Shouldn't be null since we use RequireComponent(), but just to be sure.
/// <summary>
/// Internal audio source associated with the game object.
/// </summary>
private AudioSource audioSource;
private void SetUpAudio()
audioSource = gameObject.EnsureComponent<AudioSource>();
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
audioSource.enabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Play given audio clip.
/// </summary>
private float PlayAudioOnHit(AudioClip audioClip)
// Set up audio source if necessary
// Play the given audio clip
float audiocliplength = 0;
if ((audioSource != null) && (audioClip != null))
audioSource.clip = audioClip;
audiocliplength = audioSource.clip.length;
return audiocliplength;
/// <summary>
/// Show given GameObject when target is selected.
/// </summary>
private void PlayAnimationOnHit()
if (visualFxTemplate_OnHit != null)
GameObject visfx = Instantiate(visualFxTemplate_OnHit, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Destroy(visfx, 2);
public void TargetSelected()
if (!is_a_valid_target)
if (!HandleTargetGridIterator())
// Play audio clip
float audiocliplength = PlayAudioOnHit(audioFx_CorrectTarget);
// Play animation
// Destroy target
gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
Destroy(gameObject, audiocliplength);
/// <summary>
/// Check whether the selected target is the intended one based on the referenced 'targetIterator' object.
/// </summary>
private bool HandleTargetGridIterator()
if (targetIterator != null)
if ((targetIterator.PreviousTarget != null) && (targetIterator.PreviousTarget.name == name))
return true;
return true;
return false;
오디로와 사라질때 나오는 fx 등등 나오게하는 기능을 구현하고 있고
핵심은 눈에 닿았을 때 그 오브젝트를 Target 으로 잡는 것이다 .
EyeTrackingTarget 이라는 기능을 써서 눈에 닿고 있는 오브젝트를 타겟으로 넣고
클릭을 하면 OnSelected 리스터 이벤트를 실행하여서 TargetSelected 메서드를 던져줘서 오브젝트를 없애준다.
핵심은 EyeTrackingTarget.cs 와 삭제되는 스크립터에서 EyeTrackingTarget 이벤트들 인듯
Eye-Gaze-supported Scroll, Pan, Zoom
Eye-Gaze 는 내가 바라보고있는 곳에 특정 기능을 넣는 것 인듯
내가 처다보고있으면 로테이션을하고, 조금 더 오른쪽 또는 왼쪽을 보면 가속이 붙는다.
처다보고 클릭하면 커지는 기능을 함
1. 로테이션
최상위 오브젝트의
EyeTrackingTarget 스크립터를 넣어주고,
OnLookAtRotateEyeGaze.cs 를 달아준다. (샘플 씬에 있는 스크립터)
이 스크립터는 BaseEyeFocusHandler 를 상속하고 있음
BaseEyeFocusHandler의 OnEyeFocusStay 를 작동하면 (처다보면 이벤트가 작동되는 것 인듯)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input;
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Examples.Demos.EyeTracking
/// <summary>
/// The associated game object will turn depending on which part of the object is looked at:
/// The currently looked at part will move towards the front facing the user.
/// </summary>
public class OnLookAtRotateByEyeGaze : BaseEyeFocusHandler
#region Serialized variables
[Tooltip("Horizontal rotation speed.")]
private float speedX = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("Vertical rotation speed.")]
private float speedY = 4.0f;
[Tooltip("To inverse the horizontal rotation direction.")]
private bool inverseX = false;
[Tooltip("To inverse the vertical rotation direction.")]
private bool inverseY = false;
[Tooltip("If the angle between 'Gaze to Target' and 'Camera to Target' is less than this value, do nothing. This is to prevent small jittery rotations.")]
private float rotationThreshInDegrees = 5.0f;
[Tooltip("Minimum horizontal rotation angle. This is to limit the rotation in different directions.")]
private float minRotX = -10.0f;
[Tooltip("Maximum horizontal rotation angle. This is to limit the rotation in different directions.")]
private float maxRotX = 10.0f;
[Tooltip("Minimal vertical rotation angle. This is to limit the rotation in different directions.")]
private float minRotY = -180.0f;
[Tooltip("Maximum vertical rotation angle. This is to limit the rotation in different directions.")]
private float maxRotY = 180.0f;
protected override void OnEyeFocusStay()
// Update target rotation
private void RotateHitTarget()
Vector3 TargetToHit = (this.gameObject.transform.position - CoreServices.InputSystem.EyeGazeProvider.HitPosition).normalized;
Vector3 TargetToCam = (this.gameObject.transform.position - CameraCache.Main.transform.position).normalized;
float angle1x, angle1y, angle1z, angle2x, angle2y;
angle1x = Mathf.Atan2(TargetToHit.y, TargetToHit.z);
angle1y = Mathf.Atan2(TargetToHit.x * Mathf.Cos(angle1x), TargetToHit.z);
angle1z = Mathf.Atan2(Mathf.Cos(angle1x), Mathf.Sin(angle1x) * Mathf.Sin(angle1y));
angle2x = Mathf.Atan2(TargetToCam.y, TargetToCam.z);
angle2y = Mathf.Atan2(TargetToCam.x * Mathf.Cos(angle2x), TargetToCam.z);
if ((angle1y > 0) && (angle1z < 0))
angle1y -= Mathf.PI;
else if ((angle1y < 0) && (angle1z < 0))
angle1y += Mathf.PI;
float rotx, roty;
rotx = angle1x - angle2x;
roty = angle1y - angle2y;
float newRotX = transform.eulerAngles.x, newRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y;
// Restrict the rotation to a given angle range for x.
if (Mathf.Abs(rotx) > (Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationThreshInDegrees))
float stepx = speedX * ((inverseX) ? -1 : 1) * rotx;
newRotX = ClampAngleInDegree(transform.eulerAngles.x + stepx, minRotX, maxRotX);
// Restrict the rotation to a given angle range for y.
if (Mathf.Abs(roty) > (Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationThreshInDegrees))
float stepy = speedY * ((inverseY) ? -1 : 1) * roty;
newRotY = ClampAngleInDegree(transform.eulerAngles.y + stepy, minRotY, maxRotY);
// Assign the computed Euler angles.
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(newRotX, newRotY, transform.eulerAngles.z);
/// <summary>
/// Clamps angle within the range of a given min and max value and maps it to the range of -180 to +180.
/// </summary>
private float ClampAngleInDegree(float angleInDegree, float minAngleInDegree, float maxAngleInDegree)
// Angle is not constricted
if ((minAngleInDegree == -180f) && (maxAngleInDegree == 180f))
return angleInDegree;
// Wrap around angle to stay within [-180, 180] degrees
if (angleInDegree > 180)
angleInDegree -= 360;
if (angleInDegree < -180)
angleInDegree += 360;
// Final checks on min and max range
if (angleInDegree > maxAngleInDegree)
return maxAngleInDegree;
if (angleInDegree < minAngleInDegree)
return minAngleInDegree;
return angleInDegree;
핵심은 BaseEyeFocusHandler와 로테이션 기능을 할 때 사용하는 EyeGazeProvider 인듯
2. 클릭하면 오브젝트 커지기
최상위 오브젝트의
EyeTrackingTarget.cs 가 있고
클릭하면 발생하는 On Selected 이벤트가 있음.
TargetMoveToCamera.OnSeclect 메서드가 실행됌
OnSelect 는 만약 커져있다면 다시 작게 만들고
아니면 커지게하는 메서드를 호출함
Eye-supported Target Selection & Positioning
내가 처다보고있는 것을 그랩(집으면) 움직일 수 있께하고, 위치를 바꿀 수있다.
잡을 때 쓰는 핸들러,
'AR Glasses > Hololens2' 카테고리의 다른 글
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